Friday, November 18, 2011


I can’t sleep, as per title. I am too happy. Super dooper content with life in general. Couldn’t sleep much last night either, or the night before that. Everything is just a brilliant haze of blissfulness.

I won’t tell you why because I don’t like to jinx these things. Also, because I don’t want to be too happy because there is a particularly large chance that said happiness is unjustified. Oh but my goodness, there are blisters on my toes from wearing stupid high heels to formal and I have a bit of a cold from walking around the city with holey shoes last night, but I super love life right now. J EEEEE.

Also, tonight I babysat these kids and we had a Dr Seuss Fox in Socks rapping competition. That story is the hardest thing to read out loud, I had to practice. You should try, it is another thing that aids contentment. That and being really knowledgeable about year eight maths/french/geo homework and making paper planes and watching youtube videos. I love kids :) This time, not in the strange trying to work out the logistics of getting pregnant/giving birth/raising a child enough to put them in childcare by the time I get to university in sixteen months fashion ... just that I love them a normal amount.

Okay sorry I’ll stop this iffy happiness rant thing. Super self-absorbed today or something? Probably. Always. It’s just ... everything (almost everything) is perfect.

Love you like LIFEEEEEEEE.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Life Philosophies #1: Empathy

It is impossible to hate anyone that you understand, because the second that you understand someone you are making links with them, connections between the way they act and the way you’ve acted. Connections between their internal motivations, their hopes and dreams, their relationships, and yours. It is this concept that gives me this incredibly idealistic and probably naïve belief in people and their ability to just ... be humans: empathy.

We all have the ability to understand each other because of our common humanity. Some people you have to try incredibly hard to understand; others you just naturally connect with so deeply that you know how they are going to react to any given circumstance. Then there are people who won’t try to understand others because it offers justification for the way someone interacts with you; if it’s not a positive interaction, then it can be daunting to understand why it was that way. Then there are people who are just so optimistic and idealistic that they can’t help but spend hours in other people’s heads, trying to work out the mechanics of human beings until they come to the conclusion that everybody is inherently good.

I’m one of that last kind of people. I’ve resolved that it’s not necessarily a good thing.

When I was about six, I remember having the biggest breakdown psychologically. I was in my bedroom one night, I don’t know what I was thinking about, but I somehow decided that everyone in the entire world could be a robot and I would never know, because I could never see what was really going on in their head. Everything I saw was a façade, every action a performance of the ideal person. It’s all very Hamlet. But as a little kid the thought isolated me and I became very locked up in my own head, until I decided the best way of being a human was to trust the fact that there was some spirituality (not necessarily religious) that linked us all and that was when I promised myself that I would always remember that all people are people are people are people.

Not robots.

The thing is, it makes it very difficult to hate others. This is a good thing in a way, hate is soul-destroying and just generally disgusting. But it’s easy. And if you don’t naturally like someone, the thing about being incredibly empathetic is that you just keep working away to find something beautiful and good about them. Sounds like a good thing, right? I suppose it is but just ... once you understand them, you connect with them, you know how they’d feel if you did something that might hurt them, and you just generally end up hating yourself that little bit more.

Hence why not being empathetic is easy – you then have justification for not being good to people all the time.

I think you have to be a very, VERY good person to be able to empathise with others and not end up feeling kind of shit, just generally.

Alright that’s my philosophising for the night, Lox just got back from the Gold Coast and I’m super pumped to talk to her for a bajillion years. So I’m going to leave you now. Look forward to more philosophising in the future.

Love you like being human or something.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Ah the Brilliance of ME!

Some things you ought to know:

1.       This is my 100th post. THERE ARE ONE HUNDRED OF THESE THINGS! You may now proceed to read them all. J
2.       I have finished my HSC. As in, finished my secondary education. As in, I will never sit in a classroom (as I know it) ever again. Unless I become a teacher that is.
3.      I have acquired what I believe is legitimately the most beautiful dress for formal. Whilst I won’t show you a picture of it (just yet anyway), here is an example of what it resembles:

 (I mean, what Belle's wearing, not the Beast. Does he have a name, other than "the Beast"? What is with that?)

4.      Hence I may be the most content human being alive on earth.

So what have I been doing recently that has prevented me writing to you DESPITE having absolutely NO WORK to do? Well, let me tell you I have spent a lot of time in a tunnel in a playground having my spine slowly warped whilst singing many songs of varying degrees of brilliance. I have also spent a good deal of lovely time with Bruv including going to the park this afternoon and playing Frisbee/soccer in the middle of a glorious summer storm. We got soaked, but a combination of playing on the swings and a warm breeze dried us off really fast. It was lovely.

Also I just have had no idea what I wanted to write for the 100th post. I still don’t. So here’s the most amazing short film I found on Youtube:

I’m going to go to sleep now because I’m tired. However, in the next few weeks I may be recording some music! :O And if it all turns out spiffily, I will show it to you. I also have just some generally exciting rants regarding feminism/alcohol/my life philosophies to type up and share with you. Okay? Placated now?

Love you like having actually nothing in the world to do ... except tidy my room :S
