Friday, April 29, 2011

How Embarrassing

Today I went with Lou to Chatime (but Mandy must still be at the Parramatta one, and we miss her a lot L) and we hung out there for probably too long and got high on grape juice and brown rice green milk tea half sugar quarter ice and pearls. We talked about stuff including the fact that I haven’t really had too many embarrassing moments since primary school, at least none that really stick out and make me wince in the night or whatever. We also talked about winking. Or actually, we just stood at Railway Square exchanging winks and trying to do them well without superfluous blinking. Then Lou challenged me to wink at a stranger. I already had, and he looked at me incredibly weirdly.

But anyhoo I was walking home (the long way) through the gathering dark and I thought, you know what, let’s continue this tradition of winking at strangers. So a stranger walks past. And Clare winks at stranger. Then realises …

Wasn’t technically a stranger.



Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Big Day

Oh my goodness I am so excited about tomorrow. It’s the Big Day!

Really? What’s tomorrow?

… Um, the wedding?

Yeah? Whose wedding?

What do you mean, whose wedding? The Royal Wedding of course.

Wait which royals? Not Prince Carl Phillip and his stupid bikini model girlfriend? I swear I am going to kill myself if …

No! Kate and Will. Kate Middleton and Will … Prince Will. THE ROYAL WEDDING. OH MY GOD.


I need to think of a better way to express an interior dialogue, no? The enter button really isn’t fulfilling my needs at the moment.

Hey, I have a question. What is Prince Will’s last name? I mean … the last name of the royal family in general. I mean, they have to have SOME surname, surely? I’m sure it exists, but I don’t know what it is. Unless Will’s first name is Prince. GAR I have a headache.

I would look up these things but I don’t have the internet now. I’m on the 436 on my way home, avoiding finishing my extension creative. It’s due tomorrow, I have 1000 words to write and I’m going to the Indigo Girls concert tonight which is of course incredibly exciting. And during my double free tomorrow morning I have to go and buy stuff for our special assembly which is full of excitement and surprises, and because they are surprises I can’t exactly tell you what they are or else ruin said surprise. There’s not enough leg room on buses – not enough laptop room, and now my elbows are incredibly close to my body in order to type and not stick my various limbs into the person sitting next to me, sorry person sitting next to me.

So this doesn’t have a real point. I would just like to say how truly infuriated I am (or annoyed, yeah, I’m probably more annoyed than infuriated) concerning the cancellation of the Chaser’s coverage of the Royal Wedding. If you don’t know what the Chaser’s War on Everything is, you need to look it up on YouTube right now (unless you’re also on a bus and lacking earphones). It’s a really brilliant TV show, basically, that was cancelled after a bit of a controversial skit. But they were going to do a special on the Royal Wedding, a satire of it, basically, and they were told that the BBC would not release footage from the wedding to them by order of the royal family because they don’t want a satirical view on it. I mean, freedom of the press, much? I thought this was a democratic society. Oh well, if the Brits wanted to give us another reason to split and become a republic, there’s one. What can I say? We like our Chaser here.

Anyhoo. I’m only fifteen minutes from home now so I should have a quick nap (that’s a bit of a ritual for me, napping on public transport … I always happen to wake up just before my stop, I either just know the route so well that I wake automatically or there’s this speed bump beforehand that does it for me).



(p.s. I just got home and I'm posting this RIGHT NOW. And I'm eating pesto on crackers. That's right, be jealous. x)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oh no.

Extension Two is my life, is my soul, is my doom, is my ineptitude, is my lover, is my EVERYTHING. And then there's every other subject that I do. And you!


I have given up on the writing of 6000 words before tomorrow. Not going to happen. I think I wrote about only 500 last yesterday. Or just yesterday. Head = hurting.

It’s generally downhill from here, when I start to blog. I’ve admitted defeat and hurled myself into the nothingness of internet expression. But I’m kind of excited about my extension two major work, and want to vent, although that word is usually used in a pejorative sense, and there’s nothing negative about this venting. I’ve started collating the stuff and sticking it all together and it’s all brilliance and perhaps less than 2000 words, and my goal was 5000 by the end of the holidays … :P … but if I say so myself, these are really, REALLY good words that I’m super happy with. I’ve got a bunch more poetry to write, a lot of sections (my structure is about the house, and rooms of the house, and being trapped in the house, so each part of the story is confined within the walls of a room and sort of written, although less weirdly and more pretentiously, from the point of view of the walls. BUT NOT. I don’t actually say, “Boy, it’s hard to be a wall and witness all the shit this family has to go through, LOL.” I don’t. Ew yuck, although once I did write a modernist story form the POV of a grandfather clock and it was pretty … okay that one was bad too sorry.

Oh dear anyway. I tell you one thing you shouldn’t do if you haven’t got more than say 4000 words by now, and that’s go on Bored of Studies and read the threads concerning Extension 2. Or ANY SUBJECT if you’re like me and bad at being good. There were posts from January saying things like, “OH NO! I only have 4000 words. What do I do? EEK.”

How about not brag about it on the internet?

… That being said, if you have less than 2000 good words at the moment, I’m sorry if you think I’m being hypocritical. I probably am. But then it is almost May – MAY DAY ARGH SAVE US ALL – so we all should probably be more finished than unfinished.

Right. Ciao. Love you like I love big big word counts.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Emily's Preggers. Lulz (with a U)

How many words am I supposed to be writing today? Approx. 6000. Probably more. I should do more than 6000. But I have a feeling that is impossible. Why? BECAUSE I’M TALKING TO YOU. Feel loved. Tell me to actually work. One of the two.

So my problem is this. I’m writing a creative for extension (I have to write two before school goes back on Thursday YAY) and basically I need to get my main character pregnant. That’s a little awkward. I’m really not one to go into the details of becoming impregnated in a story that someone is going to a) actually read and b) mark me on. This is the same teacher who marked my Dr Strangelove essay, she's going to think I'm obsessed with sex. There's simply no pleasant way to describe the bloody awkward fetishisation of war in that film. It was so terrible when we were going over my essay together and she subtly skipped over the examples of the phallic symbolism in the film ... but I noticed. And cringed.

Anyhoo, pregnancy. I have no idea how to introduce it either. Show not tell, right? I can’t exactly go ahead and be all, One day, Emily realised that she was preggers. In 1965, that’s a pretty crappy position to be in, if you aren’t married. Lulz for her.

BLEAURGH. Okay, I’m going to go back to extension. Kill me (softly with his song) please?

Love you like … I don’t know. A bunch of bananas. *Bad mood*


Monday, April 25, 2011

Did you mean awesome?

Sometimes I amuse myself by taking Print Screens of things that I find funny.

This took me way too long to Photoshop … okay I admit I only have Paint. I am a lonely, bad-software-equipped teen who has too much time (TOO LITTLE TIME! I JUST DON’T SPEND IT WISELY :S) who thinks she’s awesome. Guess which one is the photo of me? I wish I looked like Natalie Portman … Audrey Hepburn … Lauren Bacall. But yeah if you search Clare Baxter in a search engine that’s the first photo that comes up. You know that you’re famous when the first photo that comes up is YOU when you type in your name. Photos from facebook don’t count. Don’t lie to yourself Tersa. (WOW TARA THREE? You are sthuper hyper famousth.)

I just thought this was funny.

And this. Sumo tournament more news-breaking than rebels announcing peace talks? AND SOCCER?! No way. But anyways, it's not a print screen, because this was from before I could print screens. I also never knew about the Page Break button until about the start of this year when Lou told me and from then on I’ve been breaking pages left right and centre. It’s so exciting when you think you know everything about technology … hahahaha yeah right … and then you learn something new.

And this is what happens when I try to get onto school emails. HATE YOU SCHOOL. It is so annoying so yeah. J

I’m too tired to talk about Q&A atm, although it was a really good episode, OH MY GOODNESS MORE WOMEN ON THE PANEL THAN MEN (they must have read my mum’s letter J). I would have to say it was exciting that there were no pollies for once although the abundance of military people was a little over the top … I know it’s Anzac Day but it made for a weighted panel I thought. And Chakkers – HI THERE! You spoke so brilliantly, comme d’habitude, SGHS represent. (Also I saw you too Nat, leather jacketing it up.) I will say this though:


I am going to write a letter to Julia Gillard about how terribly conservative she’s become. And I’ll play to my strengths (disillusioned teenage girl who really believed that changes were going to be made under the Gillard government) and she WILL pay attention. Or something.

Anyhoo bye. That was the stupidest* post ever. I am sorry.

Love you like the miscellaneous keyboard functions you find when bored.

*I MEAN MOST STUPID. There I go, writing like Stephanie Meyer again.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm in a car

Argh i know this is a weird font and all but I'm in a car (see title) on my way to OMIGOSH the most exciting place in the world or something, Canberra. I very nearly typed Canada then. Oh well, one can always dream.

Anyhoo so I don't know what to say exactly, I just wanted to be all spiffy and use my dad's iPad to post this and also be all committed and everything to blogging. I'm scared because I know I haven't done enoaugh homework these holidays, and yeah, there's still five more days to go but it's starting to stress me out a little.

But you know what? Soon this will all be over. I don't just mean my trip to Canberra, I mean school in general. Thirteen years of pretending to throw up in the junior girls toilets so I could go home early (haha actually that was just once, when I was much younger and fuller of hatred for school ... plus I went to Dobroyd then, not saying it's a bad school, but ... you know), thhirteen years of barely edible packed lunches (I was the girl with the cheese and vegemite sandwich and a banana every day in primary school ... I remember the day when mum bought us roll ups in year one and it was one of the best days of my life), and thirteen years of waiting, waiting, waiting, for the beLl for the end of classes to go.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE school.

It just can't be good for your health is all.

Love you as much as I love Sydney.


Friday, April 22, 2011


Last night one of my BIFFLES, or however you’re supposed to spell it, came over to chill before rehearsals for the musical she’s in. Anyways we had a pretty awesome time, just doing stupid things like being pretentious by doing all snazzy acoustic versions of Friday on the guitar/ukulele with Patchy doing a bit of a piano solo in the ‘Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday …’ bit. And then it stopped being acoustic because my bruv has an electric ukulele so we plugged it in and turned up the distortion so it sounded like a heavy metal ukulele. Well, technically it was a heavy metal ukulele, and you know what? We rocked Rebecca Black like … I don’t know. Like tomorrow’s Saturday and how Sunday comes after …wards.

Oh and also we did a bit of Justin Bieber (is that how you spell it? I always forget …) because it’s the same chord progression and, you know, did a bit of "What is This Feeling" from Wicked J Twas really fun.

But yeah you know how there are those dickhead (GREEN OH MY GOD CONGRATS BECCYYYYYYYYY) P-platers who play their Aussie RnB/rap music, I’m not exactly sure what the genre is, really loud as they drive along and give a dodgy name to all other P-platers?

That’s right. We did our little bit of jiving in the IGA car park.

So yeah Bec I love you bajillions. <3 You’re kinda super. Come over next Thursday, I want to perfect our uke/guitar version of Friday like there’s no tomorrow (haha that would be a Friday …)

And as for the rest of you ;) I like you quite a fair bit as well. I love you in the same proportion as how much I hate the Stalin essay I’m attempting (and failing) to write right now. I love you as much as I hate the fact that I just wrote you about 350 words in five minutes and only 36 words of essay in six or seven hours today. Possibly eight. I love you as much as I hate the fact that my drama logbook has disappeared off the face of the planet and hence I am going to fail the performance component of my drama HSC. I love you as much as I hate Canberra and yet am driving (yes, personally) there tomorrow for Easter. Hey it’s Good Friday. Happy Good Friday people who celebrate Good Friday. And Happy Day-Off-Work for those people who don’t, but just get a day off work. It’s pretty snazzy, free holidays J.

I love you as much as free holidays, chocolate eggs and the fact that I can get my Ps in less than a month, put together and times-ed by a lot.

(I hope you don’t think the amount of times I confess my adoration for you anonymous people reduces the potency of the statement. ß Why can’t I write like that in my essay? You know, all pretentious and cleverly? Instead I have …

After Lenin’s death in 1924, the Bolshevik party was in a stage of turmoil and confusion due to a struggle for power between the highest members of the Politburo. After four years of contention, Joseph Stalin,
And it’s terrible. BLEAURGH.)


Thursday, April 21, 2011

Who is CRAAAAAZY now?

Well, I was watching this talk show/comedy/music thing on the ABC last night with Adam Hills, who is this very well-known Australian comedian and who has been nominated for a GOLD LOGIE as in the highest form of recognition on Australian television, and guess what?

He lived in Sweden for a year AND can speak Swedish.

Who is crazy now?

(I think I win.)

I got a Kindle, as in one of those book reading thingoes, from my dad who just came back from America. It's really cool, and there's French books on there - Voyage au Centre de la Terre by Jules Verne and Emma by Jane Austen (the French version). But I couldn't finish Emma in English so I'm not very optimistic as to how that one's going to go. SO YEAH if you have any ideas for good books to read that are out of copyright, please, tell me :)

I love you in the way that only real books can be loved.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh, the music of our childhood

So today I was reminiscing about discos at my primary school. You paid about $4 to get in and you got a sausage sandwich, a fizzy drink, an ice block and a GLOW STICK. And a night of fun and awesome songs such as these:

Ahh aren’t they just beautiful? Don’t they make you feel just so happppppy? I really love the pants and the crop tops, OHMYGOSH a belly button? PROMISCUOUS.

I remember I was with my friend Brooke and the DJ said that it was time to find a partner to dance with, and we were scared of boys so we took an opportune toilet break and stood outside the hall and watched all the girls and boys dancing. Yuck, we thought. Boys. 

And then there’d be fireworks in the Top Playground – these were the good old days when fireworks were legal. Ahh … nostalgia. Anyway, enjoy the music!


Oh and p.s. Does anyone want to learn some of those awesome dance moves with me? PLEASE????

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Conservative Dresser

I suppose you could call me a conservative dresser. (In no other way am I conservative though, oh please don’t think I’m a conservative, oh please.) But yes, when it comes to clothes, I have a simple rule that I like to follow.

Clothes go where they go. (And Supre is yucky. But that’s another story. Haha I just started two sentences in a row with ‘and’ and then ‘but’, and I do 4unit English. Don’t judge me! J)

When I say clothes go where they go, I mean, underwear is underwear. You wear it underneath your overwear. Shoes go on your feet, not on your ears. Sweaters are not dresses and so on and so forth.

Does this make me a boring person? I don’t think so. And before you start quoting the great Shirt-as-a-Skirt Incident of 2008 … remember I wore tracksuits and Kathmandu jumpers outdoors back then, and not only when overseas where nobody can recognise me. There are a whole lot of dress rules that I now adhere to unless in practical circumstances (I still believe in practicality, at least some of the time).

I once wore a pair of socks as a headband, for example, because I was going exploring down a river with some friendsies and I needed both hands free and both feet bare. So I tied my socks around my head. My hair was also kept out of my eyes. Practical? Yes.

1.       No male should ever wear bike shorts, regardless of whether or not they are riding a bike.
2.       Runners and stockings are yucky (they're fine by themselves, but together? Ew). That is all.
3.      No matter how big your sweater is, it should never ever be worn as a dress. (Re. CLOTHES GO WHERE THEY GO.)
4.      Leopard print hurts my eyes. That’s not really a rule. BUT IT SHOULD BE. No leopard print.

So what sparked this? Yes … I was wearing my beautiful long-johns again. When I’m at home I just wear them with a sweater, because it’s cosy and no one can see me and have their eyes hurt by my wearing-of-clothes-in-the-wrong-places. And then I had to go outside. So I put on some shorts, and suddenly the sweater became a sweater and no longer a dress, and the long-johns suddenly became underwear and no longer pants, and the world was right again.

I’m not actually very opinionated about clothes in real life, so I find myself having to exaggerate my opinions so that I can write something about it. Is there a point to all this? Quite possibly, no. The weather's lovely today, isn't it?

I just love long-johns because they make me feel like a kid. You know, how kids always wear pants like this:

That’s what I feel like. (A little kid, that is. Wearing awesome pants.)

Okay. BYE!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

A Love Story (written a particularly long time ago but not really, in the end.)

If you are my friend, especially one particular friend I may or may not call Gauri, you may have already heard this story. It’s a love story. I’m a little proud of it. It’s quite nice. I think it’s well-written if I say so myself which I do. If you want to read it you can, feel free. Otherwise, sorry, because I’m going to put it in here. Enjoy if you want to. Otherwise, don’t. I think I’ve made that clear. I AM VERY SELF-INDULGENT.

Does anyone even read this? HELLO OUT THERE-there-there-there! Apparently not, hence the echo. Said in a Winnie-the-Pooh voice because it’s a quote from Winnie-the-Pooh. Yay.

It’s called Barbecued Beef Sausages for reasons that will become apparent once you read it all and get to the love story part. J It’s based very loosely on a true story. Once I was on the bus and smelt like tomato sauce. That’s the true story bit. The rest I made up that day. What can I say? I am inspired by odd things, ie. a toilet, dodgy wedding dresses, a boy on the bus etc.

Barbecued Beef Sausages

I get almost all the way to Norton Street before realising that I smell like tomato sauce. Not, “I feel like tomato sauce” or “I look like tomato sauce”, but that sweet, tangy stench of the aforementioned condiment is all over me. My hands, face, hair, arms … what was I doing this morning? This is humiliation like I’ve never experienced. Who wants to sit next to a girl who smells of the local hamburger shop?

The empty seat next to me remains empty with glaring blatantness as the usual frustrated public transport patrons start queuing like sheep waiting to be shorn at the back of the bus.  I break out in a clammy sweat. I avert my now-dilated pupils to the street rushing past. My heart skips a beat as the bus stops at a traffic light and a line of fancy peak-hour office cars forms beside us. A well-tailored businessman grabs the steering wheel tight as his nose twitches in my direction. Bouncing energetically at the traffic lights, an early-morning jogger and her shaggy Golden Retriever lift their noses in the air. As the light turns blessedly green, the Retriever gives an inconsiderately loud bark and attempts to leap after the bus. The jogger lies spread-eagled, face-down in a puddle.

The sickening scent of my accidental perfume haunts me for the rest of the day. At recess I’m on canteen duty and I take the opportunity to grab a pie off a year seven, dig through the layers of pastry and smear the meat on my wrists and neck in hope of creating some delicate balance of flavours.

The year seven starts crying and runs away.

My classes are filled with opportunistic jokes directed at my sexy scent.
                ‘You going for a job at Pieface?’ Queries one comedic colleague.
                ‘What did you do to the perfume companies for them to take revenge like that?’ Asks one hilarious homeboy.
                ‘Don’t look now, but Billy’s coming at you with a fork and pepper grinder.’

The day, somehow, goes downhill from there. I am licked, poked, jeered at, laughed at and generally marginalised all day. The gardener thinks it necessary to turn a hose on me – the scent does not fade. It seems I will be forever cursed, forever shunned by the daisy-and-toothpaste scented society. At lunch I sit by myself and cry tears of gravy. I feel alone and ashamed and so very stench-self-conscious.

My hose down appears to help the meat-pie smell but the tomato one remains as I sit down on the bus on the way home. Once again, the adjacent seat is painfully barren, an expanse of sticky blue plastic stretching into infinity. The man sitting in front of me sneaks a peak at what the source of that peculiar smell could possibly be. Seeing me staring homicidally back, he shuffles uncomfortably in his seat before getting up quickly and moving to the front of the bus.

                ‘Fine!’ I want to shout. ‘I smell like tomato sauce! You are wondering where my twist-top and easy-squeeze grip are. You want to know my salt content, and how many calories I contain? Too many for you, you lot of prissy pompous bus …BITCHES!’

But I don’t say that. I sit on the blue plastic and wait for the next round of humiliation, which materialises in the form of a pokey-looking high school boy. Ew, high school boys, is my first thought as the weight balance shifts on the seat. My mind is still murderously boiling away when a mouth-watering smell captures my attention.

Barbecued beef sausages. It’s … enchanting! Salty, spicy, the gourmet variety. I turn my head slowly and my green eyes meet with a dazzling pair of brown ones.

                ‘Tomato sauce …’ he whispers.
                ‘Beef sausage …’ I reply.

This boy, this pokey high school boy, is my barbecued delicacy soul mate! I am overwhelmed with joy and the blinding aromas of love. We get off the bus, together, arms entwined.

                ‘You won’t believe the day I’ve had,’ the boy sighs. I sigh with him, and our breath mingles with complimenting flavours. And suddenly I don’t mind that I smell like a hamburger shop anymore.

Because condiments conquer all!


It’s true though. They do. Condiments are pretty spiffy.
Love you like a pork chop. J

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Most Awkward Moment

So I was doing notes for modern history, which is substantially boring, and I kind of got side-tracked. I began to contemplate what the most awkward moment in the world would be. As in, you’re walking down the street and someone comes up to you and starts a conversation, and it’s really, REALLY awkward. What would that conversation be about?

Well my most recent awkward conversation was I was walking to school and this lady came up to me and asked me about what I thought about my school. She opened with,

“Hi. I have a daughter who I want to try out for your school, but I was wondering what it was like being Anglo with all the hordes of Asians and Indians who go there?”
I looked at her, mouth open, but this middle-aged woman was being completely serious. I smiled sweetly and replied, “Oh, you know, it can be difficult. I’d say only about 50% of the girls actually speak English, and in maths, they teach in Chinese, so it kinda sucks, for me. I had to drop maths because they simply don’t provide for English-speakers.”

Okay so I didn’t actually say that. But it was awkward. But I have a feeling that it would be more awkward had that same middle-aged, cardigan-wearing woman had come up to me and said:

“Hi. Um, I’m a cannibal and you look really tasty. Would you be interested in, uh … being eaten, perchance?”

So then I got even more thinking. What would you say to that? How on earth could you possibly reply to that? And I don’t mean running away, I mean, seriously reply to, and with respect for, a cannibal who has just asked to eat you. And this is what I came up with.

“Oh gosh, thanks. I personally think I’m a bit on the skinny side but uh … wow that’s so lovely of you. No one’s ever asked to eat me before. I’m flattered.” You say, blushing and smiling sincerely.
“Is that a yes then?” The woman licks her lips eagerly. You pause and look at her wide-eyed, unbelieving.
“Ah, well, the thing is … cannibalism is kinda illegal.”

Her excited expression falls away. “Shit. That’s what everyone says. I … I have asked so many people if I can eat them, you know? And every time … the silly legal matters.” Her voice cracks and she begins to cry. You look around you at the people staring at the now bawling woman. You give her a quick but supportive pat on the back.
“Hey, hey. Look.” You pause, trying to work out what exactly to say. “Right, here’s what we’re going to do. The second cannibalism is made legal, and then when I want to die … by being eaten … I will call you. Okay? Don’t cry.”
“I’m being silly,” she gives a nervous laugh and takes a deep breath. “Um … I’ll give you my number. Do you have a pen or something?”
“Oh, I’ll – uh – remember it. Just say it and I’ll … I’ll keep it in my head.”

Yeah. That’s right. Awkward. I told you. Being asked to be eaten by someone is right up there with congratulating a woman for falling pregnant and then realising she’s just porky. Cringe.

Hey, so now, at least, you know what to say if anyone ever asks you if they can have you for dinner. J You’re welcome.

TTFN I love you like a mouse loves rice and like a cannibal likes … well, human flesh.


Monday, April 11, 2011


I am bloody good at Minesweeper. That is all.

(Oh and Happy Coming of Wizarding Age Claudie)

Love you daisies.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Turns out, embarrassingly, that there is another BlogSpot called Regretfully Yours (although sans comma). I guess it’s not important, as long as no one mixes the two up … this other blogger makes constant references to drug use, child birth -- ‘pushing a 71 pound living being out of my vag’ (isn’t that just lovely?), and how much she wants to have an affair with her doctor. ‘I’ve decided,’ she clarifies at the end of a post, ‘that I won’t let my daughter read this until she’s at least 30.’ Some things are still permanently scarring no matter what age you are. Especially having a mother whose best advice to her friends is, ‘….fuck, fuck your brains out …. Buy those god awful expensive pair of boots. Who knows who you are going to bang in them.’

So, just to clarify, if you come across a blog with a black background, pink text and adult themes, that’s not mine. Mine is the more innocent one with daisies and not as many swear words.

Oh and also regarding awkward coincidences – there are quite a few other Clare Baxters. You know when you search up your name on Google to see what comes up?

ONE: Clare Baxter, lesbian erotica author.
TWO: Claire Baxter, Australian romance author for Mills & Boon.
THREE: Clare Baxter, aspiring author who is annoyed that there are already two Clare Baxters using her name.

And guess what? NONE of them are me. Not even the lesbian erotica author*.

… Don’t be so disappointed.


*Oh and P.S. by lesbian erotica author I mean author of lesbian erotica books, not an author with those sexual preferences, although she may be homosexual, but I don't know. Just to clear that up. If you cared, or something. Gosh it's late.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Poetic Thoughts #3

Some People
Some people can sing and some people can’t
Some people are thin and some people aren’t
Some people are short and some people tall
Some people can dance and some people fall
Some people eat cheese and some people diet
Some people are loud and some people are quiet
Some people walk and some people run
Some people pretend while others have fun
Some people are scared so some people protect them
Some people cheat so others detect them
Some people stay home, some have adventures
Some people have good teeth and some people have dentures
Some people laugh and some people cry
Some people tell the truth but everybody lies
And everybody is born and everybody dies
And everybody wants but not everybody tries.

Some people are people and some people are people
Some people are people and the rest are all people. 

(P-E-O-P-L-E. The word has lost all meaning J

A Peace out my friendsies.      A

Friday, April 8, 2011


I took off my school uniform, put it in the laundry basket and said, “See you in three weeks!”
And I am so incredibly happy.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Poetic Thoughts #2

*The first one was Poetry for a Rainy Day J

A door is a door is a door is a door
If that door’s in the wall and not in the floor
A door in the wall is a door that’s for sure
But a door in the floor is no more a door
If you open a door in the wall you’ll recall
On the other side will reside the door’s other side
But if you open a door in the floor please recall
You may fall though the newly made hole in the floor.

I'll write more soon.  It's almost holidays YAY and I have a nice long existential rant for you, who I love a lot ... hence:

Love you more than a door in a wall.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


1.       When people do song covers and change genders of things so they apply to their sexual preferences. E.g. Big Yellow Taxi by Counting Crows (original by Joni Mitchell).
2.       When people give away important or exciting plot developments in TV shows because they watch it online.
3.      When people write ‘a lot’ as one word.
4.      When predictive text doesn’t recognise long names that you’ve spent ages typing.
5.      When people watch the Harry Potter films without reading the books.
6.      When you wait half an hour for friends and then realise they’ve been waiting too the entire time, just out of sight (like behind the statue of Queen Victoria at Town Hall).
7.      When nice clothes are ruined by huge brand names across them – they should be paying you to wear them, it’s advertising.
8.      When clothes, especially jeans, have huge rips in them so they’re more holes than actual material.
9.      When there’s just one song you like on an album and you have to keep listening because there are other people with you and they’d think you weird if you just kept replaying it over and over.
10.   When you start telling a story to someone and they wait till the very end to tell you that you’ve already told it to them before.
11.    When books on a bookshelf aren’t in alphabetical order … I have a bit of a thing about that.
12.     When politicians stick to party lines even if it directly contradicts what they believe.
13.   Ads on radio stations.
14.   When shops don’t stock any shoes in your size (happens to me a lot, unfortunately).
15.   When you’re sitting around a fire and the smoke keeps following you, no matter how often you move away from it.

So fifteen is enough for now. Perhaps one day I’ll be all positive and write all the things that make me inexpressibly happy. Although a lot of them are things like books in alphabetical order, when politicians don’t stick to party lines and say what they think, when you love all the songs on an album, when people do brilliant song covers (like Charlie covered by Sophie Koh – originally by Split Enz), and when you find shoes the right size in two minutes, especially at a second-hand store where they never have shoes your size … :D like my Tess of the D’Urbervilles boots J

Alright well … here’s Charlie by Sophie Koh. Isn’t it brilliant?

Love you like all those things that make me happy, multiplied by each other and added to one of those massive infectious smiles.
