Saturday, April 16, 2011

A Conservative Dresser

I suppose you could call me a conservative dresser. (In no other way am I conservative though, oh please don’t think I’m a conservative, oh please.) But yes, when it comes to clothes, I have a simple rule that I like to follow.

Clothes go where they go. (And Supre is yucky. But that’s another story. Haha I just started two sentences in a row with ‘and’ and then ‘but’, and I do 4unit English. Don’t judge me! J)

When I say clothes go where they go, I mean, underwear is underwear. You wear it underneath your overwear. Shoes go on your feet, not on your ears. Sweaters are not dresses and so on and so forth.

Does this make me a boring person? I don’t think so. And before you start quoting the great Shirt-as-a-Skirt Incident of 2008 … remember I wore tracksuits and Kathmandu jumpers outdoors back then, and not only when overseas where nobody can recognise me. There are a whole lot of dress rules that I now adhere to unless in practical circumstances (I still believe in practicality, at least some of the time).

I once wore a pair of socks as a headband, for example, because I was going exploring down a river with some friendsies and I needed both hands free and both feet bare. So I tied my socks around my head. My hair was also kept out of my eyes. Practical? Yes.

1.       No male should ever wear bike shorts, regardless of whether or not they are riding a bike.
2.       Runners and stockings are yucky (they're fine by themselves, but together? Ew). That is all.
3.      No matter how big your sweater is, it should never ever be worn as a dress. (Re. CLOTHES GO WHERE THEY GO.)
4.      Leopard print hurts my eyes. That’s not really a rule. BUT IT SHOULD BE. No leopard print.

So what sparked this? Yes … I was wearing my beautiful long-johns again. When I’m at home I just wear them with a sweater, because it’s cosy and no one can see me and have their eyes hurt by my wearing-of-clothes-in-the-wrong-places. And then I had to go outside. So I put on some shorts, and suddenly the sweater became a sweater and no longer a dress, and the long-johns suddenly became underwear and no longer pants, and the world was right again.

I’m not actually very opinionated about clothes in real life, so I find myself having to exaggerate my opinions so that I can write something about it. Is there a point to all this? Quite possibly, no. The weather's lovely today, isn't it?

I just love long-johns because they make me feel like a kid. You know, how kids always wear pants like this:

That’s what I feel like. (A little kid, that is. Wearing awesome pants.)

Okay. BYE!

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