Thursday, June 30, 2011

Real Fear

Okay so I’m home alone at the moment, right? I was napping on the floor in front of the heater (I tend to do this a lot) in the back room, which has these big glass windows out onto my garden. Suddenly the phone rings, and thinking it might be my dad telling me where he is, I go to pick it up. I say hello. There is no answer.

I say hello twice more. The phone line remains deadly silent. I decide that I will say hello one more time and then hang up. The single-word question hangs in the empty quiet for a moment, before I hear a cool, automated voice reply,


Argh it is so horrifying! I hang up quickly and then proceed to lock my back door. Now I’m sitting back in front of the heater and writing this. There’re footsteps outside. It ought to be dad, but they aren’t coming inside. I think I’m reading too much into the non-entrance of the footsteps into my house. Everything is now quiet outside. Pitch-black, of course. Maude’s sitting up at the window, head cocked, on guard. I’m psyching myself out now. There’s no noise. If that was my dad before, those noises outside, he would have come in by now. Still there’s nothing.

I’m really scared. Obviously not so scared that I can’t write this blog post. But still, when that voice said “goodbye” my heart almost beat out of my chest. It hasn’t quite settled back down yet. The door’s locked, though, so I’m safe – although I left in unlocked all the time I was sleeping. Now I’m thinking that there’s someone in my house, I’m starting to go into Home Alone mode, there’s a silver three-pronged candlestick within arm’s reach (it’s like a trident), and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and a big red photo frame with a picture of me in Central Park the year before last. And there’s my computer, although I’d be too scared that I’d lose documents to use it as a weapon – she needs to sort out her priorities. The candlestick is my best bet, it weighs about two kilos, and it’s just one of those classic weapons (Professor Plum in the library with the candlestick).

The candlestick is beside me and I’m ready to grab it and take a swing at any intruder. I’m really scared now. I dim the lights in the back room so I can see outside without the reflection on the window. I crouch behind the lounge and watch Maude out of the corner of my eye, still sitting alert on top of the couch and staring out into the night. I’m thinking that I should probably click the “Post” button before someone kills me, as evidence, you know? But then I want to type as much as possible, as evidence, you know? It’s a conundrum. I type with both hands as fast as possible but keep the candlestick in the crook of my knee.

I suppose right now, as you read this, you’re thinking none of this is real. It is, though. Maybe I have a vivid imagination, but unless I was hallucinating (I did only get three hours of sleep last night), an unknown voice did say “goodbye” to me on the phone JUST BEFORE I hung up, and I can hear rustles outside in my garden, and my dog is alert at the window, and ... oh my gosh a siren is going off ... not just any siren, a police car siren, it’s really close, oh my gosh there’s a murderer on the loose! I can’t help it but my mind flicks to one of the few scary movies I’ve seen, the one with the girl in the massive house, and the phone call, and the ‘have you checked the children?’ business, and the big glass windows thing ...

I'm going to post this now before it's too late. I just heard a thump outside. Maude did too, her ears are up. I am so so so scared. If I'm still alive in half an hour, I'll write again.

Remember, I'll always love you like ... like ... like ... overactive imaginations?

Some things you just can't make up, though.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Happiness in General and Poetic Thoughts #5

I’m happy – despite no longer coming first in modern L -- and it’s because I have very nearly finished my extension two draft (it needs editing, but I’ve only got a few more words to write write and then I’m GOOD), and I’ve helped Jermione finish the year 12 Chronicle report and it’s lovely, I think, and I had chocolate ice cream for dessert with bits of raspberry liquorice cut up in it. I came up with that idea myself. (I had to spend a long time thinking of how to spell liquorice and dessert. Both are difficult words to spell. I used to be so good at spelling too. It’s a real shame.)

Trials are scary – we got our timetable and I have Modern (three hours) and Drama (90 mins) on the same day – although I know people with six hours of exams on one day so I really can’t complain. Plus no one really cares about drama theory ... I think :S so that’s nice.

Also, it’s almost holidays – sorry, I meant “holidays” because these holidays are going to be pretty full of work. You should see the timetable I drew up though, it’s so pretty and organise-y. Purple for fun, blue for school-related excursions, green for study, pink for homework, and yellow for other. It’s sort of beautiful. And when I can’t decide whether something is fun or a school-related excursion (such as Kate and Chloe and me having a GP day sometime) I’m going to do a multi-coloured swirl.

So, a poem for you because I’m happy, and because I’ve officially titled this post “Happiness in general and Poetic Thoughts #5”:

Wishful Thinking

I wish I were my dog, her name is Maude.
She sleeps all day.
Sometimes she goes for walks.
Sometimes she eats.
But mainly she sleeps.
I would be Maude and I would sleep all day and eat sometimes and walk sometimes and I would get really really fat.
But I wouldn’t mind.
Because I would be a dog.

(I don't believe you are, as of yet, acquainted with Maudie. This is she, in younger, cuter days. Just kidding, she's still adorable of course.)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

How to keep warm

Something bad about being me = my very low coldness threshold. I can’t do cold. It’s uncomfortable. The Sydney winter’s air, which is still about 10 degrees so it’s not too cold I suppose, comes in through my bedroom window and freezes my hands when I try to type. If you live in Sydney, chances are you also have a low coldness threshold because the weather is usually balmy and amazing. Here are some methods (quite daggy) that I use when about to die of coldness.

1.       So I’m really cold and I’m drinking green tea to warm me but it’s not doing the best job so I just stick my fingers in it and then put it all over my face. Now my face is warm but smells like green tea. What of it.
2.       Socks, a beanie, a scarf, a sweater, a skivvy, two pairs of long-johns and gloves.
3.      Stick your hands under your laptop/computer. Works every time.
4.      The old primary school method – breathe on hands. Rub together to create friction and thus warmth. Then pull down jumper sleeves and tuck one sleeve into the other.
5.      Iron your pyjamas before you wear them. Yummm.
6.      Get out your sleeping bag and wear it constantly. (I’ve always had this dream about having an electric sleeping bag and you plug it in and it’s oh-so-cosy. Someone should invent one of these. P.S. I want this sleeping bag: (yes, I found a video about it)

After following these steps, you’ll find yourself not only cosy-warm, but also disarmingly HOT(double entendre intended).

However, if you’re like me and way too lazy to actually do any of these things (except the tea one, because I have tea right next to me and my mum made it for me), then simply try imagining them. You’ll be amazed at the power of imagination – wow that sounds like an ad for The Secret. And I just actually spent half an hour researching sleeping bags on that Valandre website, oh my gosh, I can’t find how much they cost, but I will save to buy one I just want to sleep in one of those every single night J

Oh, and whatever you do:


Love you like sleeping bags.


Friday, June 17, 2011

Sydney's Student Secrets #2 (BUMPER EDITION)

Exams are over! I had zero periods of class today (all my teachers were away)! I did a speech in assembly and people listened and giggled slightly at the funny/cute bits! But we all know why you’re reading this. It’s to find out what you can do in Sydney with a student budget (first edition here)

One day. $10. (Chloe beat me on freeness but I did buy her lollies and we stayed out later and went to dinner so.) One hell of an adventure.

So if you’ve read Chloe’s blog this will be old news to you. But she left out some crucial information and I’m going to do it my way so yay.

First we went to see a workshop/mini production of Stolen, which is a text we’re studying for CATP (contemporary Australian theatre practice, if you really want to know) in drama. We paid for it last year, so that counts as being free. When we escaped from our drama teacher’s endless questions it was pouring and we had no umbrella so we walked in the rain/got soaked/wrapped scarves around our heads like old European women and then decided to put on British accents for the rest of the day because of coolness etc. We bought offcuts from the Sticky lolly shop for only $4 so that basically counts as being free. Basically.

It’s late and I have a French speaking thingo tomorrow (yes a Saturday fun fun) so this is going to take the form of a list – I’m so Chloe-esque! – starting from ... NOW.


1.       FREE MCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) at Circular Quay – pretended to know stuff about art, watched an interesting film thingo with this French woman talking about whether emeralds were green or blue or grue, and whether if nine coins disappeared at the same time, maybe they were actually just the ONE ENTITY or maybe they didn’t exist at all. This was while a white sphere passed over the black screen, or someone stacked babushka dolls. It was strangely entrancing. When we escaped, we laughed our heads of. Contemporary art. Haha.
2.       FREE Customs House – walked on map of Sydney as tourists still and looked for articles about Anglo-Irish relations in an Irish paper and translated an entire article on koalas in Le Monde. Irony ... totally lost two marks in my French listening paper on a question about koalas and what the government is doing to rescue their endangered sleepy heads.
3.      FREE hugs in Pitt Street Mall – I know, it’s the original Free Hugs site too (watch this video and smile).

Chloe and I met these heaps nice (cute) (huggable) guys who were volunteering for Oxfam (add socially aware to list of adjectives) and had a nice conversation, gave them some lollies, scored a couple of hugs. Chloe lost her British accent straight away because one of them had a British accent too but I swear that he started off having an Aussie accent perhaps maybe. I kept mine because I’m awesome. General happiness ensued ... I love talking to strangers, don’t give me any lectures on stranger danger either, number one Pitt Street isn’t exactly a dark alleyway at night with steam rising from grates and beer bottles wrapped in paper bags littering the ground, and number two *quotes that statistic about the majority of sexual assaults being perpetrated by people who know the victim*.
4.      FREE perfume from David Jones ... and then later on from Myer – it was yummy, okay. Green. Chanel. I don’t know, it smelt like my apple oven cleaner. IN A GOOD WAY.
5.      FREE musical performance – listened to this guy play La Vie en Rose on the grand piano in David Jones, that’s some fancy pants shopping centre they have right there.
6.      FREE spectator sport – that’s right, watching a giant chess match in Hyde Park. No better sport in the world, man.
7.      FREE amusement by way of American tourists – finished off our lollies underneath the Opera House on those really reclined seats that look out onto the Harbour Bridge. Some American students came down near us and started trying to take luvoes with seagulls ... (more ellipses needed) ... Funny thing was that despite them trying to get as close to the seagulls as possible, they always flew away, but as soon as they left a seagull ATTACKED MY HEAD. It was a great moment.
8.      FREE stroll through the gorgeous botanical gardens which re-wet our shoes but was lovely nonetheless.
9.      NOT SO FREE picnic with Cindy and Carol and Alex and Chloe in Hyde Park. I had only eaten two strawberries and lollies since about 7am so by the time the others got to Town Hall at 3:30 I was half-starved (and reminding myself of 40-hour famine and the like). I bought a litre of juice and some chips and the others bought some stuff too and we had a big feast in Hyde Park.
10.   NOT SO FREE BUT RIDICULOUSLY INEXPENSIVE dinner at a Japanese restaurant on George Street called something something. It was AMAZING and cost $6 for soup and tempura sweet potato and apple fizzy drink I could not eat/drink it all at all.
11.    FREE transport home – I dipped my school bus pass at 6:59, one minute before it expired and I would’ve had to pay and I wasn’t wearing uniform and I didn’t have my student ID so I would’ve had to pay an adult fare, too. So that was a pretty lucky day.

Anyway I hope you liked that really long, happy edition of Sydney’s Student Secrets. Your challenge: go out with $10 in Sydney for a day and see what you can do. Then email me or something. Or just do it for yourself, because I actually had a pretty smashing day. J

Love you like Sticky lolly offcuts and hugging strangers.


(P.S. In retrospect, that listing thing was a complete and utter fail.)

Monday, June 13, 2011

*Likes to think she's funny*

Thursday morning we had our Extension English exam in which you get a stimulus (usually a picture) and have to write a creative story based on that. Milling around the entrance to the exam hall, we reminded each other not to take the stimulus literally. Our new catchphrase for English creative exams?


Love you like really bad puns and pop culture references.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

After it's all over we'll live like kings

I just want to go already! I just want to pack my bags, chuck them in the boot with everyone’s stuff, put the keys in the ignition and drive anywhere.

We’ll listen to CDs because it’ll be a crappy car, we’ll wind down the windows instead of using air conditioning, we’ll zoom along the highway playing guitar and blowing bubbles out the window and laughing about how amazing our lives are, now that school is over.

We’ll make a campfire and sit around it and sing cheesy pop songs, the type that you’re embarrassed, but secretly glad, that you know the chords and the words to.

We’ll swim in the clear green-blue water for hours and hours until our skin goes all pruney and we get sunburnt except for where we put zinc war stripes on our cheeks. (Best look ever of course.)

We’ll make elaborate sand castles on the beach, collect shells and pipis and seaweed because we’re still five.

We’ll stay up all night in the tent talking about everything until we’re delirious with exhaustion and happiness and sugar.

We’ll let ice cream drip down our arms and take sthuper indeh photographs of it with Jermione’s orange DSLR.

And all the little worries of year 12 will disappear with the strumming of guitar strings and the flash of a camera.

Love you like summertime.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

The one to walk in the sun

I went to see the Ashfield Musical Society’s production of Back to the 80s tonight, and it was pretty shocking. Fun, though, lots of fluoro and puffy sleeves and scrunchies. I’m thinking it’s time for an 80s resurgence, Cyndi Lauper style J

Love you like leg warmers!


Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So sorry ... but ARGH

Oh my God oh my God oh my God I am so sorry I just found this and I can’t help but oh my God this is just ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.




Oh and P.S. this is just gorgeoussssssssss

Exams and Auditions and Ferries and Manuscripts and PACKAGES

First exam today – English Advanced. Those rascally teachers, making out the question to be something impossible. Not that hard, just saying. Still, my thesis was rubbish. Fitzgerald is hopeless and EBB is hopeful? I’m going to bury my head in a hole. LIKE AN EMU. Um anyway.

I’m going to audition for a part in a film. That’s some news. Actually not really, seeing as I haven’t actually done it yet. But I’m going to, so wish me luck, or something. J

Went on a ferry to my friend Bec’s apartment the other day. Wish I could catch a ferry to my house. Ferries are actually the most amazing thing, half an hour on the deck, wind whipped hair red cheeks waving and blowing kisses to other ferry-catchers. Arrived at her pretty amazing apartment. Watched Dance Academy and ate popcorn and drank cordial because we’re still five at heart. It’s the best way to be.

Oh and whilst procrastinating I was thinking why I started blogging, and I remembered that about this time last year I was writing a manuscript ... remember that? Ah the good ol’ days. Then I hid it from my page because I was so embarrassed by its terribleness and you know what, for a first attempt, it wasn’t too bad, you know? So once this HSC thing is all over, I’m going to finish it. Yeah. Even if I did lose my USB with a bajillion scenes on it. And even though I don't particularly want to write some of the scenes. I SHALL, and I shall feel superhuman for finishing something for once.

So excited, I got a package in the mail today, isn’t it so exciting when you get a package? It’s The Poetics of Space (the classic look at how we experience intimate places) by Gaston Bachelard, I’m so pumped to read it YAY. So I’m going to do that now.

Love you as much as if you were stuffed into a yellow envelope, addressed and stamped and sealed and put in my letter box.
