Monday, August 8, 2011

Number 17 (Part Three)

The third most surprising thing that happened to me was that I couldn’t. Number 17 kept hanging around me like a bad smell. I began to think he was stalking me. He literally appeared like magic at the back of my English classroom, answering a question on existentialism. He referred to a basketball. A basketball, he had said poetically, is just a basketball. It’s what we do with it, that makes it a basketball.
Our English teacher nodded appreciatively because English teachers like bullshit like that. Especially italicised bullshit. I simply groaned and retreated under my desk. Caroline said I was having some existential problems of my own. My teacher suggested writing poetry, and if that failed, to pop by the school counsellors’.
What really, really annoyed me was that by Thursday I still hadn’t worked out what Number 17’s name was. He was in my English class, I had spoken to him at the zip heater, hell, I had even watched his basketball game and I had no idea what he was called. I began to come up with potential names in my head. Gabriel, I projected, or maybe Quillon, Rutherford, Kensington, Winthrop? The possibilities danced in my mind like sugar-plum fairies, quickly gathering speed until they formed a little whirlwind of debris. WIN-QUILL-RUTH-SING-EL-FORD-TON-THROP-LON-BRI-KEN, over and over again. And if Number 17’s name did end up being Winquillruthsingelfordtonthroplonbriken, it would probably explain his quick understanding of the concept of existentialism. 

Trials have started! One down, five to go. And then Extension Two due. And then French HSC orals. And then Drama HSC performance. AND THEN COMPLETION. (And then the actual HSC ... :D)
My excellent procrastination recently has been making my year 12 graduation video. It's a secret, so I can't say anything else. But so far (I hope) it's really cute, nostalgic, funny ... not to get your hopes up or blow my own trumpet but I'm pretty proud of it. SO FAR! Eesh I hope everyone likes it.
Life after trials is going to be amazing. I'll be able to work on the graduation video for seven hours on a weekend (like I did this weekend, yes, the weekend before my trials) without feeling guilty. I'll be able to go formal dress shopping YAY. I'll be able to make my costume for muck-up day and all the other days we have during our second last week of school. Plus, after trials, JETS ARE GO! That's pretty exciting.
One day, after my grade sees it of course and they let me upload it, you guys can have a look. Maybe.
Until then, wish me luck for the rest of my trials. I hope you're enjoying story time.
Love you like the (very) near future,

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