Monday, May 2, 2011

Playing with Thoughts and Memories

I had something beautiful to show you but I don’t know where it is.
I think I may have lent it to someone but I don’t remember unimportant details like that. I remember useful things like the way the moon looked from the back seat of the car in my grandparents’ station wagon when they drove me through the night to their home in Canberra. The trees were skeletal and silver in the winter night and the moon was full and pulsing and it followed us the 300km. I fell asleep in the car and when I woke up I was in another city, and all I could remember was staring out at the moon and the ghostly trees on the side of the highway.
If I owned the moon, I would leave it up in the sky and everyone could see it every night for free. I wouldn’t want to be the person who took down the moon and charged concession.
I had something beautiful to show you, but I think I lent it to someone.
Now I’m wondering whether I ever had it in the first place.
I still think this is such a beautiful song. I heard this group, The Good Lovelies, perform at National Folk Festival, they have other things on Youtube, you should check them out and their absolute astonishing harmonies.

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