Monday, May 30, 2011

Spied Her

So I’m not one of those people who gets very freaked out by huntsman spiders all that often, they’re pretty small, yeah they’re hairy etc. but not in the same league as tarantulas or anything and this is Australia, that’s what we get for living in such a beautiful place – a rather large amount of spiders who like to shelter indoors when it pours on such occasions as these. But today I was sitting at my desk working and yeah it’s almost midnight I swear I’m going to go to bed soon, or I was, and then I got up to go have a shower and saw this relatively large huntsman spider next to me.

I’d usually ignore it or perhaps get my dad (I know, I’m pathetic) to take it outside for me, but everyone’s asleep and my problem is I’ve been having these nightmares since Thursday about spiders, they’re pretty awful. It’s cause they’re not just your average nightmares, they start out all lovely and sunshiney, I’m lying on the Lowers and the grass is so green and soft like a bed and I’m sinking into its springiness and the bell rings but no one can see me so I just stay there and purple flowers grow all around me. And then I wake up, and I’m lying in bed, and it’s really dark, and I can feel something crawling across my leg. It’s hairy and big and well it’s a spider, and I turn on the bedroom light and then I realise I’m completely covered in them, my body’s black with these huge creepy spiders. And then I wake up again and there’s nothing there, I’m properly awake, but I can still feel the sensation. And I’m really worried that it’s going to happen to me again when I fall asleep, and next time I wake up I’ll be covered in spiders again and I won’t be able to tell whether it’s a dream or not.

It’s okay. I’m not screwed up or anything. I’ve always had pretty vivid dreams but this is as vivid as they’ve ever been – I blame my hyper imagination. It's sort of impressive though, the whole dream within a dream thing? So pomo/Inception.

So I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since last Thursday which has left me pretty awful and hating of everything, hence the last post, I don’t hate winter that much I just really wish these dreams would stop though, and now there’s a real hairy spider in my bedroom, it doesn’t help matters.

BLEAURGH. Here’s a photo:

Fail. My webcam-y thing has no zoom so I had to hold the computer as close to the spider as I did dare and it turned out all fuzzy. And it looks small and wimpy. It’s not! It’s really okay  not that big but that’s not the point.

Anyway, just thought I had to rant, although I probably didn’t, but who cares.

I love you like adventures in the rain. And sleeping well. And spider-free environments.

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