Sunday, March 27, 2011

24/3/2011 - Rally Against Carbon Tax (a rant)

1.       Watch this video.

2.       I don’t have a subscription, or I’m not signed up or whatever, to Youtube, so I am commenting on this video here. This is one of the saddest/most aggravating things I have seen in a long time. There are so many things wrong with this video that it MAKES MY BLOOD BOIL. So here are my ideas on it.

Firstly, just an observation; the majority of the people at that rally are middle-aged or older, and they are opposing the carbon tax. Now, just because they’ll more than likely be DEAD by the time global warming starts to make more of an impact on us, doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t support their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren by starting to foot the bill for the shit that THEY have done to our environment.

The next thing is that they all appear to be relatively well-off, or as Mr Abbott calls them, middle class Australians. If they actually are middle class, then surely they have enough money to pay an extra tax, especially if there is going to be compensation in place. I’m sorry, but it’s almost cringe-worthy to see Australians making such a big deal out of a new government policy when people in places such as Libya are attempting to free themselves from a long-standing dictatorship and paying dearly for it. Calling Julia Gillard a dictator is ridiculous and depressing when viewed in the light of countries which actually are under a dictatorship.

Then there are the signs which call Ms Gillard derogatory terms such as a bitch, a dictator, a liar. Terms such as these undermine the effectiveness of their campaign by making them appear extremist.

Don’t get me started on Pauline Hanson, please don’t. Let me just say that again, Mr Abbott himself has undermined his credibility by aligning himself with the former leader of the One Nation party who, for example, suggested that Australians are being ‘swamped by Asians’ and that ‘I and most Australians want our immigration policy radically reviewed and that of multiculturalism abolished.’ This is the same woman who wrote a book which suggested that Aboriginal women ate their own babies and the same woman who backed up this claim by saying that she wanted to ‘demonstrate the savagery of Aboriginal society’.  So having her present at the Carbon Tax rally has both undermined the rally and Tony Abbott’s credibility by highlighting its extremist nature, and even if it wasn’t extreme in the first place, there definitely is a case against the rally now.

And all the signs spell Labor wrong. If you’re going to protest against the party, at least spell the name right, no?

Then, it’s not as if this carbon tax policy is the only time a politician has gone against a promise they have made in their pre-election campaign. I was six when the GST was introduced, and I still remember the fact that John Howard had sworn that, ‘There will not be a GST, not now, not ever!’ So how can this bunch of 40+ year-olds not remember this little fact? Selective memory? And is this not what they are criticising Ms Gillard for having in the first place?

And a comment on the video:

This pisses me off so much. Instead of saying "And a scientist who says we need to increase our CO2 levels" she says "A skeptic" because by calling David Archibald a scientist it gives his argument more weight, by calling him a skeptic it totally undermines his credibility, when in actual fact he is the freaking climate scientist not Ju-LIAR. WHY DO YOU PPL INSIST ON BELIEVING LYING POLITICIANS OVER REAL SCIENTISTS? ARE YOU INSANE????
GuitarGirlWA 11 hours ago

It’s just funny. You should read all of the comments. You really should. And what the fuck is this?

Gillard and Abbott and all political parties have been told by those that control the WORLD, that they must have a carbon tax. They will lose their jobs if they do not pass this carbon tax. This will be the first world tax put upon the people of earth.
The people will have to pay this tax, not industry, companies will just pass the debt by higher charges.
The earth has less carbon in the atmosphere than the past, so they LIE.
LIES will face the FEAR, when TRUTHS near.
AlienZoo1 1 day ago

Okay well right. That’s the first thing that I had to rant about. J The next thing, and this will be short I promise, is Brian McFadden’s new song Just The Way You Are (Drunk at the Bar).

… Auto tuned vomit.

Okay bye! Love you as much as I hate Tony Abbott. J

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