Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nondescript Animal Noises

Is there any such thing?
Okay this isn’t really about the perhaps dull nature of some sounds that particular animals make. (P.S. Lou I love you and this afternoon was so much fun. YAY.) Oh no. This is about ANNOYING THINGS.
Have you ever been on a bus and standing in the No Standing area at the back door? You have your pole that maybe you’re resting your bag against, you’re nice and comfy and out of people’s ways. But then the bus stops and someone tries to get off. You move away to let them through. They get out. Then you turn back to reclaim your pole and SOMEONE HAS STOLEN IT. You are now left in the middle of the No Standing area with nothing to support you. The only thing you can do is fall. How annoying.
Once more, you’re on the bus. You’re running late for school but don’t know the time and it’s too hard to grab your phone to check. So you try to look at someone’s wristwatch, but it’s conveniently turned away from you. THE TIME IS NOT A SECRET. Oh my goodness just put your wristwatch facing out, please. But no, all you can do is … well, not know the time. How annoying.
So both of those things happened to me on the bus this morning, but I was so determined to figure out the time from this person’s wristwatch that I leaned really far over to see it, and ended up overbalancing and tripping over my school bag. Ah, I am so coordinated.
Finally, let’s just finish off with a nice moment of cuteness. Anyone watch Q&A last night on the ABC? Oh it was just adorable, at the end there was this clip that they had videoed as part of the practice footage at the beginning of the show, before it went to air, right. Then this one guy said,
“I have just one question, but it’s not for any of the panel members.” Then he turns to the woman sitting next to him, tells her he’s in love with her, then gets down on one knee. “Will you marry me?”
And she said yes, which was nice.
Here is a pretty song:

And here's a song for Chloe and Pheobe (which makes me laugh every time):

Buh bye.

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